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Earn Activity Allowance by Practicing Low Carbon Farming-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

by KoreaNews7 2024. 1. 14.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Minister Song Mi-ryeong) has announced the recruitment of agricultural organizations participating in the carbon-neutral program pilot project from January 22 to February 23.

The carbon-neutral program pilot project supports farmers practicing low carbon farming activities, such as field management, shallow filtering of water in rice paddies, and the introduction of bio-char into agricultural land. Participating farms implementing mid-water release will receive KRW 150,000 per hectare, those practicing shallow water filtering in rice paddies will receive KRW 160,000 per hectare, and farms introducing bio-char into agricultural land will receive KRW 364,000 per hectare.

This year, the program is in its pilot stage, aiming to secure hubs for the expansion of low carbon farming activities and produce visible reduction results. Support will be provided to agricultural organizations* of a certain scale or larger. Priority will be given to organizations with significant carbon reduction effects and a higher number of participating farmers. For example, if two organizations both cultivate 50 hectares, the organization with 50 farmers cultivating 1 hectare each will be prioritized over an organization with 2 farmers cultivating 25 hectares each. The scope of support will be gradually expanded.

Agricultural organizations interested in participating can apply through the representative at the local government's agricultural office. Detailed information can be found on the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs website or the 'Nongreo TV' channel on YouTube.

Song Ji-sook, head of the Rural Carbon Neutrality Policy Division, expressed hope for active participation from farmers in the carbon-neutral program to contribute to creating a healthier planet.


-남도투데이 korea namdotoday
