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Sinan County's Art Island Project Adorns with Works by World-Renowned Sculptor Antony Gormley-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

by KoreaNews7 2024. 1. 15.

Sinan County has announced its Art Island Project, inviting globally acclaimed sculptor Antony Gormley to install large-scale artworks on Bigeum Island. The project aims to address regional extinction through culture and art.


Antony Gormley's works, inspired by his visit to Bigeum Island in the summer of 2022, will be installed in various locations, including the National Registered Cultural Heritage Dae Dong Yeomjeon, the old village walls of Naechon Village, and the Sinan tidal flats, listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site.


Gormley is renowned for his sculptures, installations, and public art that explore the relationship between the human body and space. He expressed his joy in participating in the Sinan Art Island Project, stating that he conceived the artwork considering the diverse natural landscapes, tidal flats, sea, and the harmony of the local community in Sinan.


Sinan County Mayor Park Woo-ryang stated, "We are in the process of creating an Art Island unique to Sinan County, which can be enjoyed exclusively here. Through cultural and artistic strategic projects that will become the future sustenance of Sinan, we aim to boost the pride of Sinan residents and create a thriving Sinan that is sought after by people around the world."



-남도투데이 korea namdotoday
