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Damyang Strawberries Make Debut in Mongolia, Opening a New Export Route to Central Asia-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

by KoreaNews7 2024. 1. 13.

Damyang County, one of the largest strawberry-producing areas in the country, has successfully exported strawberries to Mongolia, marking the first export venture of the new year.


On January 9th, the local agricultural cooperative's distribution center in Bongsan facilitated the export of strawberries to Mongolia. Damyang strawberries are renowned for their top-tier quality nationwide, boasting exceptional taste and sweetness, resulting in higher domestic market prices compared to other regions.


Despite the challenges associated with securing export volumes of strawberries, a collaborative effort involving Damyang County, local farmers, and export companies paved the way for this successful export. The 500 kg of strawberries shipped to Mongolia represents the first batch designated for export, transported by air to Ulaanbaatar.


The strawberries will be supplied to E-Mart and around 30 local markets in the region.

Strawberries pose logistical challenges for exports due to the high costs associated with air transportation and a short shelf life. However, Damyang County anticipates sustained exports based on the positive local reception to Korean strawberries.


Furthermore, negotiations for exports to Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Singapore are underway. Damyang County also plans to focus on exploring overseas markets in the Middle East, including Dubai, as well as Europe and the United States through the export of strawberry seedlings, aiming to generate royalty income.


County Mayor Lee Byung-no expressed his commitment to expanding continuous export routes, stating, "Through active support for continuous exports, we will lead the globalization of Damyang strawberries and increase income for local farmers."
