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Rediscovering Nature: Reopening of Damyang County's Climate Change Experience Center-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

by KoreaNews7 2024. 1. 13.

Damyang County (County Mayor Lee Byeong-no) announced on the 11th that the Honam Climate Change Experience Center (Damyang Children's Science Experience Center), situated along the Metasequoia Road, has reopened its doors after undergoing a major renovation.

This revamped Honam Climate Change Experience Center has been selected in the 2022 Ministry of Science and ICT's 'Expansion Support Project for Children's Science Experience Spaces.' This recognition aims to provide the younger generation with an additional space to explore scientific principles actively.

The Children's Science Experience Space has been reimagined to stimulate all senses, creating a space that enhances children's cognitive abilities through play and exploration.

Educational and Entertaining Features

1. Wetland Science Experience Zone (1st Floor)

  • Playful exploration educating children on the ecological value of wetlands and promoting habits that reduce carbon footprints.
  • Climate Caster experience to simplify the understanding of climate change.

2. Earth and Damyang Experience Zone (2nd Floor)

  • Understanding geological activities on Earth and realizing the importance of climate change adaptation and wetland significance.
  • Engaging activities allowing children to experience Damyang's ecological environment through sensory play.

Interactive Learning Opportunities

  • Varied play, exploration, and investigative spaces, including VR experiences on wetland ecosystems, climate casting, and sensory engagement in geological activities.
  • Reservation-based exhibition explanations and inquiry-based learning programs are available by contacting ☎061-380-3088. The center is open every Monday (closed on public holidays, with the closure moved to the following day if Monday is a holiday).

Future Plans

A county official stated, "Moving forward, we aim to integrate the Children's Science Experience Center with the Frog Ecological Park and Eco-Education Center. This synergy will provide children with an understanding of the value of wetlands, the importance of climate change adaptation, and the fundamental values of environmental conservation. We envision this space as a creative and growth-inducing environment for children."

The reopening of the Honam Climate Change Experience Center signifies Damyang County's commitment to environmental education and fostering creativity in the younger generation. This innovative approach aligns with the county's mission to instill an appreciation for nature and the urgency of climate change adaptation in the minds of the future leaders.
