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Jeonnam Provincial Museum of Art: A Cultural Oasis in Gwangyang-남도투데이 korea namdotoday

by KoreaNews7 2024. 1. 13.

Introduction: Gwangyang City's recent endorsement of the Jeonnam Provincial Museum of Art has brought attention to a cultural haven nestled in the heart of the city. The museum, situated on the grounds of the former Gwangyang Station, has evolved into a vibrant cultural hub, offering a diverse range of exhibitions and experiences for locals and tourists alike.

History and Location of Jeonnam Provincial Museum of Art: Founded on the historical site of Gwangyang Station, the museum's location holds a unique charm, merging the nostalgia of the past with the contemporary vibrancy of art and culture.

Cultural Impact and Tourist Attraction: The museum has become more than just a repository of art; it stands as a testament to Gwangyang's commitment to cultural enrichment and has become a focal point for tourists seeking an immersive experience.

Major Exhibitions and Celebrations: Celebrating its 3rd anniversary, the museum has curated a series of large-scale exhibitions that have captivated art enthusiasts. Noteworthy displays include 'Looking at the Water with Your Back to the Mountain,' 'Lee Kun-hee Collection Special Exhibition,' and 'Leeum Museum Touring Exhibition.'

JMA Children's Art Festival: A milestone achievement for the museum was the inaugural JMA Children's Art Festival, designed to lower the threshold of art appreciation for growing children, providing them a gateway to the world of art.

Current Exhibitions: Presently, the museum boasts warm and colorful exhibitions like 'Space Family Story,' 'Water Narrative,' and 'Poetic Abstraction,' attracting a diverse audience.

Space Family Story: 60 Years of Hwang Young-seong's Art: The 'Space Family Story' exhibition unveils the 60-year artistic journey of Hwang Young-seong, using diverse materials and techniques to depict his longing for a free and peaceful community.

Water Narrative: Song Pil-yong's Grand Flow of History: Artist Song Pil-yong's 'Water Narrative' narrates history through water, showcasing 100 works that traverse the turbulent 1980s to micro-narratives reflecting personal wounds.

Poetic Abstraction: Unveiling the Museum's Identity: The 'Poetic Abstraction' exhibition offers a glimpse into the museum's identity through donated works, embodying the artistic pursuits of Kim Hwan-ki, Yoo Young-guk, and Kang Un.

Exhibition Duration and Admission Information: These exhibitions are open for a limited time, each offering a unique perspective. Admission is affordable, fostering accessibility to art for everyone.

Testimonials from Visitors: Visitors express awe at the enriching experience, praising the museum's commitment to art education and cultural diversity.

Transformation of Art Museums in Modern Times: Reflecting on the changing perception of art museums, from exclusive spaces to vital components of modern cultural life.

Role of Museums in Regional Cultural Communication: The museum serves as a bridge for cultural exchange, fostering connections within the region and beyond.

Impact on Urban Culture and Arts Level: Kim Seong-su, head of the tourism department, highlights the museum's role in elevating urban culture and arts, transcending geographical boundaries.

Encouraging Art Museum Visits During Winter Vacation: Kim Seong-su encourages families to break traditional perceptions, emphasizing the benefits of exposing children to art from a young age.


In conclusion, the Jeonnam Provincial Museum of Art stands as a cultural gem in Gwangyang, offering a transformative experience for visitors of all ages. The museum's commitment to accessibility, diverse exhibitions, and cultural enrichment reflects a progressive approach to art appreciation. As we embrace the winter season, consider embarking on a unique journey to this cultural oasis.


  1. Is there parking available at the museum?
    • Yes, the museum provides parking facilities for visitors.
  2. Are the exhibitions suitable for children?
    • Absolutely, the museum actively encourages family visits and has specific exhibitions catering to children.
  3. Can I purchase tickets online?
    • Yes, online ticket purchases are available for added convenience.
  4. Are there guided tours available?
    • Yes, the museum offers guided tours for a more immersive experience.
  5. Is photography allowed inside the exhibitions?
    • Photography is generally allowed, but it's recommended to check specific exhibition rules at the entrance.


